驚奇4超人--Fantastic Four


5.7 / 344,060人    106分鐘 | USA:125分鐘 (extended edition)

導演: 提姆史多利
演員: 伊恩葛魯佛 麥克奇可里斯 潔西卡艾芭 克里斯伊凡


2005-08-27 10:34:59

it's just ok

I know, I know... all the critics reviews were bad, but I liked it. It's no "Batman Begins" that's for sure, but it's entertaining nonetheless.

Here are the four heros: Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, who can elongate his body like rubber; Susan Storm/Invisible Woman, who can become invisible and put up a force field; Johnny Storm/Human Torch, who can shoot fire from his entire body; and Ben Grimm/The Thing, a hideous rock monster with superhuman strength. The story premise is simple, they battle the evil Doctor Doom as a team, which is called the Fantastic Four.

The movie is two hours long, but went by like a breeze. The screen was filled with action and explosion and high tech gadgets that always kept our eyes busy. The only problem is the story. Well, there's really not much of a story at all. It's more like a show and tell of the four superheros, how they became what they are, and to show off their powers. I don't feel like I'm emotionally attached to any of them, unlike how I really felt for Bruce Wayne in "Batman Begins". Like I said before, it's a blockbuster movie, it's entertaining, it's funny, the guys in there are hot, but definitely won't make it in my list of top ten movies of the year.

Oh, and it's always a treat to see Stan Lee as a cameo in a Marvel comic movie. :)
