阿甘正傳--Forrest Gump


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導演: 羅勃辛密克斯
編劇: Winston Groom 艾瑞克羅斯
演員: 湯姆漢克斯 羅蘋萊特 蓋瑞辛尼斯 Mykelti Williamson


2005-09-20 22:28:29

he is lucky to have such good mothe!~r

  when we say that Forrest Gump is a lucky guy, i think most of u may think that he is so lucky to escape much trouble , but the LUCK is that he is so lucky to have such a good mother by my means.
  remember ?what his mother said at her last time in the world? "it's my time , it's just my time. oh,now, don't u be afraid ,sweetheart? death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. i didn't no it.but i was destined to be ur mother, and i did the best i could". yes ,she did!
i just could hold tears when i watched this part, and once heared someone "life is like a box of chocolates, u never no what u r gonna get", the first pict flashed in my mind is Gump's mother , a lovly woman, a kind hearted mother!!
   so , next time when u watch the movie, remember that whether u r born healthy or not , whether u born in poor family or rich , whether u win ur life or lose, there allways be a woman stand behind u ,supporting u ,encourging u .