養蜂人--The Beekeeper


7.2 / 2,945人    122分鐘

導演: 狄奧安哲羅普洛斯
編劇: 狄奧安哲羅普洛斯 托尼諾蓋拉 Dimitris Nollas
演員: 馬切洛馬斯楚安尼 Nadia Mourouzi


2005-10-12 17:43:02

One of the most painful films of all times

It is difficult to like the film; even for a seasoned arthouse buff like myself, it is a very painful 2 hours. But afterwards, upon reflection, I find it (painfully) thought-provoking, and rich and rewarding in its own way.

In order not to miss the layers of meanings and hints, read this film like a symphonic poem (not quite a symphony, because the structure is not so symmetrically organized), with many themes and motif playing against one another. Loneliness, despair, yearning for a return to youth, disappointment in fellow men, existential futility, hope in rejuvenation through sex, and the destruction of that hope as the last straw... A careful sorting of these themes will help you build your very personal interpretation of the old man's behavior: why did he sell the house? Why did he launch on the bee-keeping trip? Why did he first patronize the young woman vagabond? What went on in his head after the sexual consummation? What is the significance of the manner of his end?

But it will only be your own personal construction. Here, as in life, valid interpretation is not unique, and there is no standard answer.

I would class it along side the Iranian film, "A Taste of Cherry". Or Koreeda's "Maborosi". It poses more questions than answers; but so what?