

2006-01-03 02:57:08

Time As A River

There is a flowing river through out every human being's life time. And it grows wilder and wider as time passes. Into it every piece of your childhood dream, every lullaby you have heard, every tale you have told or been told, and every thread of the old age memories mingles, giving out the glows of wisdom and the fragrance of time.
Robert Redford, the director, is the master of this smooth running but impressing tale. His use of light and his arrangement of the scene made every picture in the product as beautiful as a timeless painting. The fishing thread swings into a perfect circle in the cool forest air, as well as into every audience's heart.
Life can be simple, as it can be complicated; dreams can be ambitious, as it can be practical; and the spirit towards life can be critical, as it can be positive. But no body can judge which is better. Just as fly fishing which is the thread of the tale, everyone has his own rhythm of swinging the bait, and each method seem to be working well for oneself.
In the very end , there was an old man standing by the river, understanding life as the flowing water and time as the river. All one's passion and memories mingles into the flowing water where a river runs through it.