

7.5 / 239,105人    164分鐘 | Philippines:163分鐘 (cut)

導演: 史蒂芬史匹柏
編劇: 東尼庫許納 艾瑞克羅斯
演員: 艾瑞克巴納 丹尼爾克雷格 希朗漢德 馬修卡索維茲


2006-03-04 09:32:26

Humanity, duty, rights to live and more

Did not know this movie is about the Jews and Arabs and did not know it is about what happened in 72, till I read the comments by Douban fellows.
史蒂夫n has been not this great for years. But this movie, definitely brings him back to the front line of top tier directors. The techniques are stainless and it is smooth. A really great movie!
I have met Jews in person and got along with them pretty well. I also lived in the Middle East for 4 years. On one hand, I feel pitty for Jews who lost their land more than 2000 years ago. Since then, this is a group of people who have no home, no country, no where to go. But they always have the dream. One day, the God will let them build their own country again! This is a group of people, who suffered for 2000 years, with a never vanish dream. Don't you think they deserve the right getting their land back? On the other hand, Arabs have lived in that land for exactly 2000 years! All the sudden, they have to leave their home behind? This is not fair either. Perhaps, there is no single solution for Jews and Arabs. Having these feelings in mind, my watching is full of mixed thoughts.
If your people were killed, you got to revenge. Otherwise, your people will be killed again. So, strike your enemy with all means. I was with Avner, 艾瑞克 Bana and his squad. Kill those bastards with NO mercy. When the little girl comes next to piano, my solid mind starts shaking. Why her? She did not do anything wrong. She does not deserve this. Avner has the same feeling as mine, so do other guys. Killing continues. Replacement keeps pop up. Will it stop someday? No way! I lost my family! So do I! No one could stop. Here it comes to the end. 11 terrorists were identified. But some of them were killed at the airport! Are these targets all related to Munich killing? Is the Isreali government right? Is it to protect its people?
Avner makes love to his wife in 紐約. What do I see from his eyes? Fear, angry, terrifying and I don't know what word could describe. Avner is An assacinator! But he has fears too! What makes all shocks is his wife. His wife uses her hands to close Avner's eyes and holds him tight. It is love, the only thing could concer fear!
Munich is never a terrifying movie. It is not about violence or blood, it is about hate, love, threathen, revenge and others.