BJ單身日記:男人禍水--Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason


6 / 123,797人    108分鐘

導演: 比班基德朗
演員: 芮妮齊薇格 賈欣妲貝瑞特 吉姆布洛班特 柯林佛斯 休葛蘭 雪莉韓德森


2006-03-23 19:16:31

Bridget and Mark, Again!

Well, this sequel isn't as good as the first one, but with lots of Colin Firth I simply can't say no.

Helen Fielding is running out of her wits now. Same old trick of Cleaver's interrupting again and again. No, I would rather it stops here, no more sequels. After all Colin said he wouldn't play Mark Darcy anymore. As this whole column was written based on his Mr Darcy, what will it be without him? Can't imagine.