

6.6 / 10,464人    90分鐘

導演: 法蘭索瓦奧桑
編劇: 法蘭索瓦奧桑
演員: 華薇莉泰德奇 史蒂芬.福瑞斯 馮思娃茲.法比安 安東尼查皮

2006-04-24 06:21:43

Cinq fois deux

"5 x 2", a film as "momento"-liked anti-chronology abt a "love story" is in hands of Francois Ozon, what is it like?

frankly, i dunno much abt Ozon's films, i've only watched "8 femmes" other than "5x2", what common thing i got from these 2 films are: Ozon exposes dark sides of human.

this film did show some sweet moment abt the couple, Gilles & Marion, but not much & not long. it's a film tracing back why they would end like this- divorce & then brutal sex, rather than telling their love story. so, watching this film is a bit like a detective story.

Gilles asked if there would still be chances for them & then seeing Marion walked out of the room, i felt a little hurt in heart, tears were abt to come out from my eyes, i thought "maybe, Marion could give each other a chance & i saw Gilles' regretful eye sight." but then i continued "anyway, Marion decided to leave, she must have her own reason, either the long-ago hurt or the brutal sex, more precious, should be rape, she has her reason to leave the room". Gilles had an affair, so, did Marion. i dunno why Marion refused to have sex with Gilles, perhaps, she didnt love him anymore or she didnt wanna have physical contact with this man, anyway, it's not important anymore, she's not willing, that's it.

then, the camera was back to the moment they were still together with the kid. when the time Gilles was talking abt his unfaithful to Marion, he had sex with women & even man in front of Marion, look at Marion, she was hurt. 1st crime we see "unfaithfulness".

Gilles would rather sleep with his kid than with Marion, it explained everything.

next, Gilles wasnt willing to see Marion giving birth to the baby u may think "he is totally a jerk!" but it implies that Gilles suspected he's not the father of the baby. he distrusted Marion. 2nd crime: "distrust".

we were then back to their wedding day, it was a beautiful day, we saw they loved each other & got married, we saw their passion during the party at night, but then, it ended as Marion had sex with a stranger right at the wedding night. 3rd crime: "disloyalty"

at last, it told their meeting, Gilles was still with his gf, & Marion was just broken up with her bf & she's not yet recovered, perhaps, it means their love foundation was so weak, they started too fast & sudden, they didnt know each other enough, or it's not important, many relationship starts like this.

anyway, from the grievous divorce as the beginning till the end as their sweet meeting on the beach, it relieved my sad feeling at the start of the film & brought me little sweet feeling at last. still, it's a sad film.

i suspect, Ozon doesnt believe in inconditional love, he may think there's never "fidelite". in his films, it seems everyone "各懷鬼胎" (i cant find an english expression better than this".

i wont say, i really like this film, but it's fresh to tell a relationship like this. & i enjoy appreciating the goodness abt a film & thinking what the film-makers try to tell, but i'm not good at picking up the bad things & criticizing a film. i would say there're many directors out there telling abt the beauty of this world & how wonderful love & relationship can be, there should be someone to tell the dark sides of this world, the evilness that some people refuse to talk abt or admit that, & Ozon is absolytely the one.

* remark: the film music is quite nice.   舉報