美麗人生--Life is Beautiful [1997]


8.6 / 746,237人    116分鐘 | Italy:122分鐘 (first release)

導演: 羅貝托貝里尼
編劇: Vincenzo Cerami and 羅貝托貝里尼
演員: 羅貝托貝里尼 妮珂塔布拉斯奇 Giustino Durano Sergio Bini Bustric


2006-08-30 05:32:41

Life is Beautiful (1997)

I've got this DVD ever since 2003. However, I've never had a chance to watch it. It is difinately a great movie though I didn't cry.

It started like a comedy. The color, the laughter, the word... Everything seems so relaxing. Gradually, I found out that the Dad seems to be a Jewish guy, which reminds me that it might be a trouble.

The disaster came out so fast. I didn't expect it to be such a bad situation. I thought it might be some kinda book-store-break-into or something like that.

Mom moved me for jumping onto the train, however, it is a must for the movie. Dad always wares a smiling face even at the hardest time. That's something shows his love and attitude towards the child and life. The doctor seems to be a hope but it difinately is nothing.

The movie came to an end. Dad got caught when he is searching for the Mom. I didn't thought it was that serious since I still have a hope naively that they might let the Dad go. The kid sees his dad through that crack. Dad is still making that funny move and stops when the kid cannot see him. Several sounds of gun shoot and that's it. The Dad dies, without any touchable music or anything else, which made it more touchable.

The kid comes out after nobody is around. Standing on the empty square without his Dad. I was still wishing that miracle might happen and his Dad will walk out. But it was cruel reality. The kid still believes that it is just a game after he sees his Mom.

The best part of the movie is when the guard took his Dad into the corner. It is quiet. I hold my breath and hope that nothing would happen. It is overso fast. A life is over. Life is so light. It should be like that but it is just hard to accept.