

2006-11-05 00:08:27

My View on 《Dead Poets Society》

   《Dead Poets Society》is a movie which is talking about several young men in a traditional and academic high school. They have a new poet teacher named John Keating, who is nice to students, having great enthusiasm in teaching, full of passion and knowledge, revitalizing his students to pursue their dreams and use their own thought to read poets. John Keating is so untraditional that is warmed by headmaster because of the odd strict high school doesn』t consider Keating’s teaching style would be helpful for the increasing entrance to Harvard university.
The movie is so interesting and reviving until one of Keating’s students Neil ends his life with his father’s gun in a hopeless night. Should Neil go to heaven at his glorious age? Does it work or worth to say no to his father and his idiot life? All of these heart-breaking questions confuse us. But we may understand it by a poet which quoted from Whitman:  
    I went to the woods
  because I wanted to live deliberately,
  I wanted to live deep
  and suck out all the marrow of life,
  吸取生命中的所有精華  把非生命的一切都擊潰
  and not when I had come to die,
  discover that I had not lived.
Neil’s dilemma is caused by conflict of the favorable dream and real crude life which push him to a completely danger cliff. Neil’s death is a tragedy. But just as someone said the idea that the life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue. Neil is gone but his persistent willing and courage are remaining.
    Should Keating responsible for the accident? Judging from the surface of the movie, you may consider the judgment is right. On the contract, seeing from the deeply meaning, you may absolutely against the high school’s wrong-making decisions. What if without high school’s strict and boring dogma, without Neil’s father disregard to his son’s real need and mind, everything will go on smoothly. It is a great sorry that Neil is the victim for such kind of education.