2006-12-24 05:56:22
Raging Bull
拳擊電影最讓人喜聞樂見的是Rocky,Will 史密斯也曾因為扮演拳王阿里拿過奧斯卡的男主角提名。Raging Bull是類似後者那種以拳擊為背景,重點在其他地方的體育電影。區別在於看完Rocky你會熱血沸騰,而Raging Bull卻讓你更壓抑。
電影根據前世界中量級拳王La Motta的自傳改編,不是一個勵志的故事,當最後La Motta勇敢地面對自己的過去,也坦然接受自己的現況,電影結束,打出一段聖經摘錄。
So, for the second time, the Pharisees summoned the man who had been blind and said: / "Speak the truth before God. / We know this fellow is a sinner." / "Whether or not he is a sinner, I do not know," / The man replied. / "All I know is this: / Once I was blind and now I can see."