

7.5 / 205,454人    126分鐘

導演: 亞歷山大潘恩
編劇: 亞歷山大潘恩
演員: 保羅賈麥提 湯馬斯海登喬許 薇吉妮亞麥德森 吳珊卓


2007-01-02 19:01:50

what are u looking for

Don't know why the film named, may be it's only a boring film in the first 1'20" though we can travel in the beautiful grape garden with the two guys,
even we will believe the play boy may be stay with the girl and her daughter in the town filled with grape.wine and bar;and the bad lucky writer will not publish.,will not make love, will not happy,and will not keep up his spirits for ever.
sorry i laugh out when the girl break the play boy's nose, it's match the well-doer's criterion that the bad guy will be punished though some of our male(female) always enjoy one night stand, but i think most of us looking forward the true lover can enjoy life together stably in stead of enjoy stimulation on night.
i keep laughing untill the play boy run naked five miles pass the ostrich farm in the night. it also touch me that the writer go stolen the wallet for his play boy friend which missed in the other's wife room.
at last we can find the bad lucky writer can face his before-wife calmly, the guy married a week late after stolen other's wife twice, and the well-doer go find the girl who can enjoy the wine together,
yeah, i think it's what should we looking for, the girl who can taste the pinot (a kind of wine need vintage carfully) with u, the friend who can steal wallet for u in other's room when other's wife making love with her husband:)