

7.8 / 332,783人    139分鐘

導演: 梅爾吉勃遜
編劇: 梅爾吉勃遜


2007-02-10 20:51:14


With the feeling of respect, I watched the new film directed by Mel Gibson, Apocalypto. Many shots are very bloody and cruel, so it is not appropriate for the juveniles and children. But these descriptions maybe expressed the ancient real facts though that are so far away from us. In the beginning of this movie, there is a saying, "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within". It could mean that the collapse of Maya culture, is not attribute to the outer pressure, but results from the inside problem because the culture has the aspect of violence and barbarism. Maybe it is right, but I believe the more important thing is: if the world is more tolerant to other culture, all kinds of culture in the world will be more flourishing.