今天暫時停止--Groundhog Day


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導演: 哈洛雷米斯
編劇: Danny Rubin Danny Rubin
演員: 比爾墨瑞 安蒂麥道威爾 克里斯艾略特 史蒂芬托波羅斯基


2007-06-08 04:01:05


I sometimes think if we were all given sufficient time to exist, we'd all come to the same conclusion, eventually with the stupid taking several lifetimes and plenty of trial and errors,the average draining the last drop of their wisdom to draw some meaning from what would otherwise just be total randomness and the smarter, well, jumping to conclusions only far too early and quickly...

Groundhog Day presents us with the senario No.1,you got N lifetimes,but all you repeat is today...a less-than-pleasant today.

You see...even though you are darn sure what is gonna happen today,you still hardly can make yourself happy.Hence,happiness is more about your value,which is what you regard as most important in life.We all know that,but the thing is not too many of us will do it...do what you love in life,have someone you love around you and pass the love to all people around you.Yes!Life is all that simple...