

2007-06-14 04:16:27

Seize the Day

「I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.」

I am an ordinary person, but I don』t want to lead an ordinary life. There are differences exit among people who are talented in some area and who are not. But generally, in the life span, in the scope of a whole personality, people are equal in having a meaningful life. Comparing with the guys in the movie, my emotion is like desert. I feel like indifferent when supposingly that one of my roommates dies one day. I seldom have so deep emotional connection with anyone. Because of the fierce competition around us: we have to compete to win the living space, we have to compete to win wealth, we have to compete to win power and potency, we have to compete to win social status. All the pressures lead us incapable of caring others.

I have to bear the malodor of roommate,
I have to understand the inequality everywhere.
I have to experience the indifference of others.
I have to accept the underhand actions.
I am born a good human being, but the society told me, Relentless is suitable for the world, so I adapted.

The crying in the movie is moving, the friendship and respect are intensed. But it is only the goodwill of the direct. I have studied that except the family, no one actually care about you. Mankind are generally alike, to fit the environment. Therefore, concerning the influence of teaching, we just accept the parts which we feel beneficial for our own good.

If you are a partisan of some evil religion, you cannot blame anyone because you were too indolent to think about it carefully, or you have attain solace in that religion. You chose it, you take the full responsibilities of the consequences. If a adult take the option of suicide, he has the right to condemn no one. But when it comes to an adolescent, it is much more complicated. The parents, in the first place, cannot justify their innocence. .

I increasingly believe that, human are molded by the environment, The inner aspects can be modified, if triggered by the outside issues. But how can you change your backgrounds and surroundings. It is possible, but too hard.

「We all have a great need for acceptance. But you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular. Even the herd may go」That’s bad. 」」

「Two roads diverged in a wood and I took and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.」
The road rarely taken is exactly the road I choose. I don』t want to be the same as most people. Life is limited, and I want to live my life to the full. I like to exploit my own thought to view the world and to live my life though I still accept the common evaluation of success and the values of person.

Finally, it is a terrific movie and there are more in the movie that I ignored. But I learn form the movie to seize the day, to be passionate and kind.