超異能英雄:第一季--Heroes: Season 1


7.5 / 253,398人    45分鐘 | 60分鐘 (including commercials)



2007-07-08 04:58:07

We are the Heroes

I have done this tv series in a week
It's great. And the most important things is that it gives us hope. To make us remember that hope always is a good thing, it can lead us to pass the sadness, it can give you the strength to fight against the devil, and also it can take us the bright future. All of these is why we need the faith in our heart no matter what happend to us. Human have already done a lot of horrible things, we tried to contorl this word by investing new and powerful machines. But, we could not expect that one day we will die just because the tenology we have built will out of control. We will kill oursevles.
And here are these Heroes. They tried to save the world, they had to change the future, for the next generation, for the other people.
Actually, i don't believe there are so many people have extradinory ability just like said in the series. But i thought there must have many heroes, they may be the normal and little guy in our world, they may be just sit beside us, or they are just we, what in our mind. Everyone could be the hero, to do the great thing to the world. The key is what you thought, what you what to be, and what's your faith.
Destiny can be changed, if it is going wrong. And we must realize that we will be destoryed by ourselves one day, right now. As long as we know our nightmare will come true, we could do much better than know.
So there is the reason why we need hero in our heart. They gave us hope, they save the future, and they save themselves. Just like what i said in the title, if we want, we could be the heores, we could change.