

7.2 / 222,332人    113分鐘

導演: 奎葛利霍里
編劇: Daniel Pyne Glenn Gers
演員: 安東尼霍普金斯 雷恩葛斯林 大衛史崔森 羅莎蒙派克


2007-12-14 04:19:20


  「Do you dare stay out?
  Do you dare go in?
  How much can you lose?
  How much can you win?
  And if you go in,should you turn left or right?
  Or right and three-quarters?
  Or maybe not quite?
  You can get so confused that you'll start in to race
  down long wiggled roads at a break-recking pace,
  and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space
  headed I fear towards a most useless place...
  the waiting place.
  For people just waiting.
  Waiting for a train to go
  or for a bus to come
  or a plane to go
  or the mail to come or the rain to go
  or the phone to ring or the snow to snow
  or waiting around for a yes or a no
  or a string of pearls or a pair of pants
  or a wig with curls
  or another chance.」