他不笨,他是我爸爸--I am Sam


7.6 / 155,794人    132分鐘

導演: 潔西尼爾森
編劇: 克莉絲汀強森 潔西尼爾森
演員: 西恩潘 蜜雪兒菲佛 蘿拉鄧 達科塔芬妮


2008-01-12 21:06:13

A Very Good Place to Start...

"I am Sam" is a very good place to start my movie course for junior students, i decided last night.

It is a very good place to start a beatiful life lesson, isn't it? a lesson which can never be taught well, about what love is, about how we should love , and how much we can love.

It is a very good place to start a beatiful week, and weeks and weeks of beatiful life, until we are unable to love any longer...