穿過黑暗的玻璃--Through a Glass Darkly


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導演: 英瑪柏格曼
編劇: 英瑪柏格曼
演員: 哈莉葉安德森 綱納‧柏恩史傅 麥斯馮西度 Lars Passgard


2008-01-23 23:43:17


One can』t live in two worlds. One has to choose. I can』t go on moving from one to the other all the time.
One draws a magic circle around oneself – to keep everything out that doesn』t fit one’s secret games. Each time life breaks the circle, the games become puny and ridiculous. So one draws a new circle and builds new defences.
Poor little dad, who has to live in the real world.

Reality cracked and I fell out. Anything could happen. Anything! I can』t live in a new world.
Yes, you can. But you have to have something to hold on.
What would that be a god? Give me a proof of god. You can』t.
I can. I can only give you one indication of my own hope. It’s knowing that love exists for real in the human world.
A special kind of love, I suppose?
All kinds, Minus. The highest and the lowest, the most ridiculous and the most sublime. All kinds.
The longing for love?
Longing and denial. Doubt and faith.
So love is the proof?
I don』t know whether love is proof of God’s existence, or if love is God.
For you, love and God are the same?
I rest my emptiness and dirty hopelessness in that thought.
Tell me more, Dad!
Suddenly the emptiness turns into abundance-and hopelessness into life. It’s like a reprieve, Minus, from a sentence of life.
Dad…if it is as you say -- then Karin is surrounded by God, since we love her. Could that help her?
I believe so.   舉報