

7.7 / 205,635人    115分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
原著: Susan Orlean
編劇: 查理考夫曼
演員: 尼可拉斯凱吉 梅莉史翠普 克里斯庫柏 蒂妲絲雲頓


2008-01-26 18:28:17

lost in adaptation

很久沒看過Nicolas Cage演這麼好的片子,看過Ghost Rider之後我幾乎對他的電影要絕望了。。。不過可能這部電影的成功是因為編劇Charlie Kaufman,最近他編劇的Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind也是大熱,非常不錯。有意思的是劇中Nicolas演的那個角色也叫Charlie Kaufman,是一個連自己都討厭,連最親近的雙胞胎兄弟都無法溝通的電影編劇,工作的瓶頸和感情的失敗接踵而來,幾乎讓他崩潰。為了把一本平淡無奇,沒有結局的書改編成劇本,他陷入了困境,而他的雙胞胎兄弟不離不棄地幫助他完成了這個劇本,寫出了一個wow them in the end的結局。這部片子奇特的地方在於,電影本身、Nicolas的劇本、Susan寫的書、電影裡的現實生活交錯進行,看似混亂實則清晰。電影裡還有很多不錯的台詞,摘了一些:
If you'd really loved something, wouldn't a little bit of it linger? Evidently his finishes were downright and absolute. He just moved on. I sometimes wished I could do the same.
It's easier for plants. They have no memory. They just move on whatever's next. But for a person, adapting's almost shameful. It's like running away.
There are too many ideas and things and people. Too many directions to go. I was starting to believe the reason it matters to care about something is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size.
Life seemed to be filled with things that were just like the ghost orchid. Wonderful to imagine and easy to fall in love with but a little fantastic and fleeting and out of reach.
That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you.
P.S. Meryl Streep的旁白太好聽了,記得大一買過Out of Africa的電影錄音磁帶,那時就喜歡上了她