絕地任務--The Rock


7.4 / 362,897人    136分鐘

導演: 麥可貝
編劇: David Weisberg (Ⅰ) Douglas Cook (Ⅰ)
演員: 史恩康納萊 尼可拉斯凱吉 艾德哈里斯 約翰史賓賽


2008-03-26 20:42:04


Its poster is very attractive.I'm not good at recognizing people,but I can recognize the three on the poster and all of them are good at acting,so I decided to watch this one and it is worthy.

And the director,I don't know too much about directors and I always forget their names.(Although I'm not good at recognizing actor's faces,I'm good at remembering their names,but for directors it's not the same)But this one is remembered because of his PearlHarbor and Transformer.

The plot is not so perfect but it completes both sides' personalities.Bad guys are not purely bad guys.But what's the meaning of the girl & Cage's making love and Cage's not willing to marry.

Moreover,this film is so real.The car chasing,the gun firing,and even some of the NavySEALs are real NavySEALs.