冰原歷險記2--Ice Age 2


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導演: 卡羅斯桑塔哈
演員: 雷羅曼諾 約翰李古查摩 丹尼斯黎瑞 昆琳拉提法 尚恩威廉史考特 克里斯威巨


2008-03-30 03:02:19

They lived happily ever after



那段Manny"藉以維繫家族繁衍"為藉口對有點"Crazy ,Confused ,but sweet "的Ellie 告白,逗死了~~~~

Manny : Do you realise that now we have a chance to save our specives ?

Ellie: Really ? How are your gonna do that ?

Manny : Well ,you know...

Ellie : Did you just ? I'm not a mammoth for five minutes and you're hitting on me ?

Manny :I wasn't saying ... Not night now . In time . I was just saying that it's our responsibility .

Ellie :What ? ?

Manny : All right , that came out wrong . I .... you're very pretty , but we just met ...

Ellie : Responsibility ? Just doing your duty ? Ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to save your species . I got some news for you . You're not saving the species to night or any other night .


至於故事的結尾,兩頭歷經磨難的長毛象,終於 。。。"They lived happily ever after ."
