

6.8 / 121,446人    90分鐘 | Turkey:82分鐘 (TV version)

導演: 彼德契爾生
編劇: Marc Klein
演員: 凱特貝琴薩 Amita Balla 約翰高柏特 約翰庫薩克 里歐•菲茨帕特里克


2008-04-09 06:39:07


如果是若干年前白衣飄飄的年代看,我或許會羨慕這所謂的追尋真愛之旅而不去置疑任何合理性;而今看來,我只是落得一頭霧水,it really doesn』t make any sense to me!

如果真的是一見鍾情,郎有心,妾有意,又為何會聽任電梯的撥弄擦肩而過從此散失於茫茫人海?如果真的是刻骨銘心,又怎會短短幾年,羅敷有夫,使君有婦?又為何要一直等到無名指上套上」MR/MRS not Right」的戒指時才猛然醒悟開始追尋決定落跑?感情不是過家家,而那些週遭無辜的人即便不是他們的soul mate,也不deserve如此的戲弄和傷害。

Yes, life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences; Yes, it might be showing us some signs; Yes, if we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call 「fatum」, what we currently refer to as destiny. But, we can』t leave it all to chance, or I should say, we can』t just create the chance so shallowly like that to find out so called destiny.

In the end, I recall what a psychologist said: 「True love is not a feeling by which we are overwhelmed. It is a committed, thoughtful decision.」 Well, based on this statement, I don』t think theirs is true love.