七月四日誕生--Born on the Fourth of July


7.2 / 116,684人    145分鐘

導演: 奧立佛史東
編劇: 奧立佛史東 Ron Kovic
演員: 湯姆克魯斯 Raymond J. Barry Caroline Kava


2008-04-16 21:19:16

Born on the Fourth of July

An 奧利佛 Stone film again!!
The second one of the Vietnam War Trilogy.
One of Tom Cruise's best movies ever.

The first casualty of war is innocence.
Really good tagline!!

It reminds me of our Cultural Revolution,they both ruined a whole generation,both goverment made a wrong decision,the loss were both great.

奧利佛 Stones had done great jobs for their country.

Back to China,do we have a real director?do we have a movie like that?

As i know it,the answer is NO.
We have our own history.
We have our own spirit.
What are the chinese directors doing?
Is this the sadness of chinese movie?
Or the sadness of the entire nation?