魂斷藍橋--Waterloo Bridge


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導演: 茂文李洛埃
編劇: Robert E. Sherwood S.N. Behrman
演員: 費雯麗 勞勃泰勒 Lucile Watson


2008-04-27 18:37:49


隨意的週六早上,在電視英文台無意中翻到費雯麗的魂斷藍橋,英文的原名其實很簡單--waterloo bridge,取自故事發生的倫敦waterloo地名。中文的譯名反倒是增加了很多悽美的寓意。據說這部戲當年在好萊塢並沒有引起什麼重大的反響,不過是諸多二戰愛情影片中的平凡之作,但在中國卻吸引了一代又一代的觀眾。
」Of all the classic Hollywood films ever made, this somewhat obscure title happens to be one of the most popular in China, especially among college students. There are even audio guides for students to practice their English by reciting dialogue from this film. The reason for why this particular film has become so endeared among the Chinese is anyone's guess. One possibility is that the popularity of Gone with the Wind (1939) in China led many to seek other movies starring Vivien Leigh.「--quoted from imdb

印象中都是在電視看的配音的版本,對故事自然是再熟悉不過,印象最深刻一段就是二人結婚前roy問myra:「你姓什麼?」當時雖然感動得不行,但是對這種一見鍾情的愛情自己始終是不相信的。如今看了英文原版的,才發現裡面的對白字字珠璣,尤其是兩人在防空洞中flirting的那一段,簡直可以列入經典曖昧教程。這才明白原來兩個人的火花是如此產生的,這才理解了後來的那一切瘋狂的絕望的感情。vivien的表演非常的誠實可愛天真率性。而影片最讓我沉浸的還是那lovely british accent,多麼的英倫。原來roy來自盛產粗獷帥哥的蘇格蘭,而myra則來自狂出靈秀美女的愛爾蘭。看著兩人在倫敦的足跡:bond street,waterloo station,afternoon tea house,just reminds me sooooo much about lovely london.i deadly wanna go back to the places again.