他不笨,他是我爸爸--I am Sam


7.6 / 155,794人    132分鐘

導演: 潔西尼爾森
編劇: 克莉絲汀強森 潔西尼爾森
演員: 西恩潘 蜜雪兒菲佛 蘿拉鄧 達科塔芬妮


2008-05-30 22:48:41

I am Sam

        Sam should be a feeling of artists, full of humor, kindness, sincerity of the Yiman.
        Feel that he is an artist because: General children of the parents will boast "grown up" and "obedient" "sensible" cloud, but he has looked at with deep feelings of the diamond eyes said, 'your eyes are ripe,' how do ,

No words can describe the feeling of sincerity instantaneous.
        Throughout around like a special theme and use plain series, the total given me a feeling like Sam with a

video camera from the fact that he used to see all the eyes, the Jiangren tears several times in Sam Coujin TV in

the ears lucy Diyu begged her not to tell a lie and the spillway.Children, can not, can not lie, why not, because I

am your father, Sam, and you, my beloved daughter, although my IQ level of only 7-year-old child, but also because

my IQ is the only way Level, my Lucy, ask your father, do not lie, no matter what is not. Very impressed,

particularly impressed, even if I am a free say this or that kind of people lie, but it seems that the move has

nothing to do with the time.
       Enjoy the film before read some of the comments, some of Sam Lucy to a series of questions are very

interested in, say really, to see them do not know the meaning. I look at that period of time, feeling very calm,

can not help but laugh Wanwan mouth, as a general, as the general sense of happiness ...
      Sensible people think of the children more Tengxi, Lucy considerate stay around Sam, the hardship of playing

time to listen to Sam kids can always say patience all ears boring shedding renewable cocoon until the story can not

be falling so far.
       Sam Health and the most regrettable that this matter should be sitting in a police vehicle, but not for

Lucy's birthday ~ Sam helpless regret it the most well-being of the matter must be more than the rest of his life,

not all the time and Lucy together. The sublimation of unlimited human affection, always a stirring dull!
       Beatles do not know, I do not know perseverance and he always remembers his reasons, but I think, whether any

member of the Beatles, fans, or Sam as their own innocence are convinced that a certain kind of human nature, and is

willing to To this end abide by the protection of life, lovely people!
       In fact, if I met in the life of Sam, after a period of time will lose their patience, I am a Guzi impatient

person, but I think people need to get along, is Qunju animals, in a period of time, I also hope that Sam in his

side Stay in a position to me.
       Sam remember the first appearance of lawyers in the defence of allowing a person as a mother of the parents

to tears made the advantage, now we should all their smart, courageous career moved by sentiment, but Sam's a very

sad eyes, Later he said that bad, you Bata Nong tears. Whatever you say is correct, but you have to be certain

whether the purpose is not to Bata Nong I cry, so bad, I do not like it.
       Oh, the original ah! ~ My God! ~ Is a degree of good points, but also unremitting efforts. Sam seems to be a

good degree of crystallization, is the kind of crystal, the most innocent. I think there are all sorts of good,

generally good, middle-good, pure and good, even if are really good ... this beautiful, strong and the world lived

more kind-hearted and courageous biological*&*