

2008-06-06 19:23:43

God—in ours mind

   「Conversations with God」所蘊涵西方的宗教與文化,我無法評述。源於不了解,源於我不是「他」。
   當然,就從影片的很多表達上而言,還是有很多矛盾,或者說不清晰的地方。比如,當Neale在演講時,一個老頭站起來責備Neale這些措詞是冠冕堂皇的,一邊口口聲聲說著「發乎於心的愛」,另一邊又無法忠於家庭。Neale的回答是不能因為他個人生活的瑕疵,而否定「與神對話」的意義。這顯然是一個無法讓人滿意的答案。最後,那老頭讓Neale用一句話總結God想對人類所說的話時,Neale的回答是「You』ve got me all wrong.」God 對Neale說「你們誤解了我,也誤解了你自己。」或許,我們從來都沒有理解過所謂的God。
   God還說「真正傑出的人是那些選擇怎樣生活而不是怎樣生存的人」。從西方個人主義的角度來看,這句話很有激勵動力。然,站在另一個角度,就像Neale找不到工作只能在垃圾箱尋找食物的時刻,這些論調能在多大程度上幫助一個人Stand Up?

Neale asked: I want answers! What does it take to make life work?

God told to him:

Have you had enough yet?
Have you had enough yet?
Are you ready now?
Do you really want to know the answers to the questions you』re asking?
Are you going to answer me?
You』ve asked a lot of question. You』re angry.
And now I ask you, do you really want to know the answers to the questions you』re asking or are you just venting? -This is crazy.
I know what you』re thinking. And I talk to everyone all the time in their own voice.
The question is who listens?
From the highest mountain it has been shouted.
In the lowest place, its whisper has been heard.
And through the corridors of all human experience, the truth has been echoed.
Love is the answer.

You have projected the role of parent onto God and have thus come up with a God who judges and rewards of punishes.
You have created a fear based reality around love.
And this fear-based love reality dominates your experience of love.
Indeed, it actually creates it.
It is fear that you need in order to be, do and have what is intrinsically right?
Must be threatened in order to be good?
And what is being good?
Who gets the final say about that?
I tell you this. You are your own rule-maker. You set the guidelines.
Love is all there is.
Yes, you』re heard it before.
In fact, I』ve even put it on a bumper sticker for you.
But in times of trouble, in times of worry, doubt or fear you choose to forget.
What you should do is answer the simple question –what would love do now?
To live you life without expectation, without the need for specific results, that is freedom.

Remember, You are constantly in the act of creating yourself.
You are, in every moment, deciding who and what you are.
You decide this largely through the choices you make regarding who and what you fell passionate about.
Worry is the activity of a mind that does not understand it connection with me.
Do you remember the question-what would love do now?
Answer the question, Neale.
And I will be there, always, in all ways.

Suffering has nothing to do with events, but with one’s reaction to them.
What’s happening is merely what’s happening.
How we feel about it is another matter.
You can』t have anything you want
Your very request is one of lack. And you saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience –wanting –in your reality.
Should I would punish you for making a choice that I myself have laid before you?
This is a question you must ask yourself before you would assign me the role of a condemning god.

Unendingly have you beseeched me, show myself. Explain myself. Reveal myself.
I am doing so here in terms so plain you cannot misunderstand.
I am here. Right here. Right now.
Now is the time to go to your god space, more and ever.
It will bring you great peace of mind.
And from a peaceful mind do great ideas flow ideas which could be solutions to the biggest problems you imagine yourself to have.

Neale, you』ve got me all wrong, and you』ve got you all wrong too.
I don』t want anything from you rather than for you to be happy.
But you think you are below me, when in truth, we are all one. There is no separation.
I want for you what you want for you –nothing more, nothing less.
I am not concerned about your worldly success.
You are not to worry about making a living.
True masters are those who have chosen to make a life rather than a living.
Go ahead. Do whatever you really love. Do nothing else.
You have so little time.
How can you think of wasting a moment doing something for a living that you don』t like to do? That is not a living. That is dying.

At last
Do not feel abandoned, for I am always with you. I will not leave you.
I cannot leave you, for you are my creation and my product, my daughter, my son, my purpose and myself.
Call on me, therefore wherever and whenever you are separate from the peace that I am.
I will be there.   舉報