2008-06-13 06:56:13
作為科幻片或者災難片,這部電影太平庸了,Nicole的演技也剛好及格,只是難得3顆星的片子我很投入劇情的把它看完了,想來是因為它講述的東西實在打動人。情感,無論是快樂幸福同情還是憂傷憤怒仇恨,都是人類精神世界的證明,如果這個世界上沒有了情感,充斥街頭的都只是理性得不能再理性的軀殼,那麼其實我們也離被外星人侵略的境地不遠了,不過更可怕。就像影片裡的俄國大使說的:In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence, well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.
就是這樣了。ps,感嘆Daniel Craig作為花盆的出演,很浪費,很生氣。