

2008-06-14 07:50:36


Mr. Keating 的教學方式新穎到怪誕的程度,想把自由思想的精神在這些菁英學生中喚醒,我們學詩不是因為它cute,而是因為我們是人類的一員,人類是充滿激情的。引用的惠特曼的詩:
                          O Me! O Life!
O ME! O life!… of the questions of these recurring;
Of the endless trains of the faithless—of cities fill'd with the foolish;
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light—of the objects mean—of the struggle ever renew'd;
Of the poor results of all—of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me;
Of the empty and useless years of the rest—with the rest me intertwined;
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?
That you are here—that life exists, and identity;
That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.
                                                                                    - Walt Whitman
Neil是個各方面才華都很出眾的小伙子,他重新組織起了死亡詩社,我在想像著那種場景,捕捉Mr. Keating的描述:in the enchantment of the moment, we'd let poetry work its magic.We weren't a greek organization. We were Romantics. We didn't just read poetry,we let it drip from our tougues like honey. Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created. 上中學的時候開始學詩,讀到精彩的地方也在不斷的吟誦,也幻想過通過互相朗讀詩來交流感情思想,不過就算有知音也沒有聚在一起的勇氣和精力,上世紀八九十年代好像青年們都寫詩,辦詩歌朗誦會,應該就是這種效果吧。但是死亡詩社應該更肅穆,更純粹。而那些70後大哥大姐身上總有一種我看不慣的匪氣,那不是詩意。
Neil在完成一場完美的演出後,被他父親逼上了絕路,又是一個父親的期待和兒子的志向不相符合的悲劇,也只有有了真正自我意識,真正會自由思考的人,才能做的如此決絕,在那個舞台具的結尾,Neil的幾句話分明是說給他父親聽的Gentles, do not reprehend. if you pardon, we will mend. 我可以為了你改變。鏡頭停在夜晚窗台的白雪,和上面擺放的舞台劇道具——樹枝編製的頭冠,那個演出里自由的精靈選擇了用生命捍衛自己的意志。死亡詩社,一語成讖。
在Mr. Keating要離開的時候去教室取東西,Todd帶頭站上課桌,用從另一種角度看世界的方式(Mr. Keating所授)向他喊道:O Captain, my Captain! 這是林肯被刺後,惠特曼的詩句,也是一開始Mr. Keating的自稱,又是一處巧妙的伏筆,這時音樂響起,隨後多數同學不顧那個古板老頭的警告,毅然站上了課桌,喊著O Captain, my Captain! 我被深深的感動了。先生之風,山高水長,當了這麼多年學生一直想把這句話送給某個老師,但是實在是沒有擔得起這幾個字的,不是我冷血矯情,有些理想是不能褻瀆的。