阿拉伯的勞倫斯--Lawrence of Arabia


8.3 / 319,898人    216分鐘 | UK:228分鐘 (director's cut) | UK:187分鐘 (1970 re-release) | UK:210分鐘 (original version) | UK:2

導演: 大衛連
編劇: T.E. Lawrence 羅伯‧波特
演員: 彼得奧圖 亞歷堅尼斯 安東尼昆


2008-07-15 01:42:05

do what we can do

First reason that I choose to see this movie is that I heared it for so long time ,it is classic,the second is that it is made in Aribia , which covers large scale of desert, i love it so much. In the end, it doesn't dissatisfy me, just like what i have thought before,I get what i want to get.

when Lawrence is asked why he come to the desert, he sayes for the freedom of the Aribians. The journalist says they are cheated, he answers, " i will do it for them'. What attracts him of the desert, he says, ' it is clean" Sometimes we can make a decision just as a very little reason , we like , then we do .

An ordinary man is just an ordinary man , although he wins the respect of the Aribians, he cann't change the trend of histrory. The politicians control the stage, while he has tried his best.

For human beings, the feeling of belonging plays an important role in his or her life and it is very difficult for us to ignore these existings when we are born .

However, do what we can do !