水瓶座女孩--What a Girl Wants


5.8 / 66,721人    105分鐘

導演: 丹尼高登
編劇: William Douglas Home William Douglas Home
演員: 亞曼達拜恩 柯林佛斯 凱莉普瑞斯頓 安娜錢絲勒

wannabe angel

2008-07-30 02:04:45

pure fairy-tale ending

I guess the ending of the story was a bit too "happily ever after", however it was touching.What makes the movie fasinating is that it's not like most teen moviesthat takes romance for the main theme,it also mixed family relationship in it.What girls want, it's not only their 'boyfriends love',but also the care of family. Daphnie's passion in life effects the other people around her and even though in real life , there may not be endings as beautiful as this one, it shows that all trouble can melt away when you believe.   舉報