口白人生--Stranger than Fiction


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導演: 馬克佛斯特
演員: 威爾法洛 瑪姬葛倫霍 艾瑪湯普遜 昆琳拉提法 達斯汀霍夫曼


2008-09-04 04:59:21

The Funny Part

--Dave, can I pose a somewhat abstract, purely hypothetical question?
--If you knew you were gonna die…possibly soon…what would you do?
--Wow, I don't know.
Am I the richest man in the world?
--No, you』re you.
--Do I have a superpower?
--No, you』re you.
--I know I』m me, but do I have a superpower?
--No, why would you have a superpower?
--I don't know, you said it was hypothetical.
--Fine. Yes. You』re really good at math.
--That’s not a power, that’s a skill.
--Okay, you』re good at math and you』re invisible.
And you know you』re gonna die.
--Okay, okay.
That’s easy; I』d go to space camp.
--Space camp?
--Yeah, it’s in 阿拉巴馬.
It’s where kids go to learn how to become astronauts.
I』ve always wanted to go since I was 9.
--You』re invisible and you』re going to space camp?
--I didn't pick invisible, you picked invisible.