美麗人生--Life is Beautiful [1997]


8.6 / 754,746人    116分鐘 | Italy:122分鐘 (first release)

導演: 羅貝托貝里尼
編劇: Vincenzo Cerami and 羅貝托貝里尼
演員: 羅貝托貝里尼 妮珂塔布拉斯奇 Giustino Durano Sergio Bini Bustric


2008-10-19 08:52:53

Life is beautiful

Frankly, I thought it’s a comedy at first. I kept laughing at the actor’s amusing performance and interesting lines, while I couldn』t help cry for the latter half.

It was a game, the winner would be awarded with a tank. What an attractive rewarding for the kid. The rule of the game was no crying, no request for dessert, no demand for mom, almost depriving all of the kid’s basic desire. The father and the son devoted themselves to the contest 「we got 60 scores today, the first so far!」 「 when it gets 1000, we』ll win.」 The father tried his best to tell his son that life was beautiful and we deserved it.

The more positive, the more touching.


Describing the miserable life, racial discrimination and brutal treatment the way of Benigni's natural optimism is so creative and also initiative.

Among so many films associated with the Second World War and Jews, it's unique and standing out undoubtedly.

The sight of Guido's clowning walking performing for his son hiding in the cabinet before his dead, his playing the opera music for her wife, the broadcast of his consistent humorous flirting 「hello, my dear princess」, taking out a piece of bread from his pocket makes me impressive and moved.

Neither frown nor complain, only the smile and light of hope, it is the most marvelous movie I have watched.


It’s a life attitude.


Riding a bicycle, carrying your wife and son, running on the street…….