雨人--Rain Man


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導演: 巴瑞李文森
編劇: Barry Morrow 羅那貝斯
演員: 達斯汀霍夫曼 湯姆克魯斯 薇拉莉‧葛琳諾 Gerald R. Molen


2008-10-23 23:58:09



Rain Man
  When I finished watching this film,there was a formula appeared in my mind.
  The formula is Charlie plus Raymond equals brotherhood,and in this formula Susanna plays a role as the catalyst.
  As we know the reason why two chemical substances will have chemical reaction is that they have something in common or related. That is why Charlie plus Raymond can be brotherhood. Because they are the family,and blood is thicker than water.
  To explain the cause of these reaction,I'll analyse the characters of Charlie and Raymond.
  Charlie who is the younger one in this film.We all know Charlie is astute and very excellent.But we just focus on the well-dressed Charlie and forget the Charlie who is lack of family love and communication. At the beginning of this film,there is a conversation between Charlie and Susanna. "Susanna,you want talk,lets talk,lets talk.","It's not talking."Charlie does not know how to talk?Really?Yes, he does not know how to talk with his relatives. Because when he was 2 years old,his mother passed away,and he thought his father didn't care of him.That's why we say he is lack of family love.In his mind, Rain Man is the only one who cared him in his childhood and also Rain Man is Charlie's spiritual pillar .In this part,I think we can understand why Charlie tries his best to protect his property,it is just a way of protecting himself.
  Raymond,we also call him Rain Man.He shows his pure world to us.Though he is an abnormal person,he knows the importance of family love.When he was young,he could not look after himself,but he did know that he could not hurt Charlie baby. He gives the impression of family love to Charlie.At first,Charlie can not accept the fact that Rain Man is his elder brother.But Charlie can not reject Rain Man's memory,this memory gives him the memory of his family and the love.Rain Man changes Charlie and helps him to find his inner world.At first Charlie stays with Rain Man with the purpose of getting the money back.In these days,Charlie finds out what is more important to him.He realizes that money can not be everything while family love can be everything.
  Here comes Susanna who is the catalyst.She finds out the connection between Charlie and Rain Man is family love.She understands the family love is the key to open the door between Charlie and Rain Man.When Charlie is angry with Rain Man,she tells me that Rain Man cannot understand what they are doing. When she finds the reason why Charlie want to get the custody of Rain Man,she quarrels against him.She tries her best to help Charlie to know the importance of love and help him to treat Rain Man as his family member.
  With the help of Susanna, Charlie accepts himself and Rain Man.When he dances with Rain Man,they wear the same suits,I think they are one people,not two.I like the plot which Rain Man put his head with Charlie's.This plot makes me feel warm.The temperatures of them warm together and consist of the warm of family love.Here I mentioned the temperature,I also want to analyse the temperature of Susanna's kiss. This kiss stands for Charlie's kiss,she helps Charlie to deliver the family love.This kiss stands for the key to open the door between Charlie and Rain Man.This kiss also stands for importance of Susanna.
  This is the formula which I get from the movie.One for bad,two for good.And I think three for the best. That is why Charlie plus Raymond equals brotherhood,and in this formula Susanna plays a role as the catalyst.
