今天暫時停止--Groundhog Day


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導演: 哈洛雷米斯
編劇: Danny Rubin Danny Rubin
演員: 比爾墨瑞 安蒂麥道威爾 克里斯艾略特 史蒂芬托波羅斯基


2008-10-26 08:06:49

This is your life, and yours, and yours as well.

A man lives a day over and over and over again. This is the story.
People view it as a comedy, coz it ends well.
Yet it's the darkest story ever that it made me depressed for days.
Unconsciously, we DO live our lives in a routine, same day over and over and over again.
Mentally, some of us do wake up and realize we've been living the same day. We go through the same mental process like the film.
But the reality is: So few of us gets the happy ending.