

2008-11-05 08:22:03



[其他:1、Paul Newman於美國當地時間2008年9月27日週五在康涅狄克州的家中去世,享年83歲。看過他的電影不多,除了這部,還有一個與凱文合作的「瓶中信」,其他的都不太記得了,他生前最後一部參與的影片是擔當「汽車總動員」里Hudson的配音。2、扮演Rub的演員Pruitt taylor Vince患有眼球震動症,眼球會來回移動不受大腦控制,但他把這個疾病變成了自己的優勢,非常有潛質的一個演員]
BTW,wanna make a friend with somebody like this fat fellow Rub and wanna have an eldership like this old man Sully.


-You and Wacker fight all the time?
-At least you got even. That's something.
-When Mom and Dad get divorced...
-When Mom and Dad get divorced, I'm going to go and live with my dad, and Wacker will go and live with Mom. She'll find out how really bad Wacker is.
-And when Mom and Dad get back together, everything will be different. We'll live in a house instead of an apartment, and I'll have my own room, and Wacker won't be able to play with my toys unless I say so. And Mom and Dad won't argue anymore, or fight about money or anything.

-Well, where do you belong, Dad?
-Right there.
-For tonight, anyway.
-Want me to go in there with you?
-Well, I'll be out before you know it.
-Look after Wirf, will you?
-And Miss Beryl?
-Take care of Rub's jelly donuts.
-It's not going to be easy being you, is it?
-Don't expect too much
-of yourself at the beginning.
-I couldn't do everything at first, either.

-Boy, I wouldn't sit here too long. Tip of your dick'll freeze to the top of the step. Oh, I forgot... yours ain't that long.
-Yours ain't either.
-It's 'cause I fold it... Want to know how many times I fold it?
-It would hurt if you folded it.
-Not mine.
-Know what I wish?
-No. What do you wish?
-I wish we were still friends.
-We are, Rub.
-You know what I wish? I wish we'd get off our asses. Let's go down to The Horse and place some poker. What do you think?
-What about... Peter?
-Hey, look at me. Peter's my son...and you're my best friend, okay? ...You're not going to start crying, are you? ...I should've stayed in jail.

-I want to thank you for thinking of me.
-I...You know, until a while ago, I could've...I could've...but...I just found out I'm somebody's grandfather. I'm somebody's father, and...and maybe...I'm somebody's friend in the bargain. So...
-Yeah...you are a man among men.
-I know, it's not a compliment.
-No, this time it is. How come you're always wrong about everything?
-You are...the best...Iooking woman in Bath, and...you're going to be the best-looking woman in Hawaii. You're going to be fine.
-Thanks. We would've been terrific together.
-Yeah, I think so.   舉報
