聖誕壞公公--Bad Santa


7.1 / 155,393人    91分鐘 | 88分鐘 (Director's cut) | 98分鐘 (unrated version)

編劇: 約翰瑞卡 葛倫費卡拉
演員: 比利鮑伯松頓 貝尼麥克 約翰瑞特 安傑納杜


2008-12-12 02:42:20

just a POS

I don't know why our teacher showed this moive to us. It sucks. She is a catholic, how could she stand so much dirty words in the moive. I don't know whether American parents will let their children watch it or not.But I don't think that show this moive to our all class is a good idea.
It's a sweet ending, but throughout this moive is filled with bad words. After watching I just wanna say shits by the "santa's" influence.