"House M.D."


8.7 / 523,238人    44分鐘 | 7788分鐘 (Entire series)



2009-01-15 03:23:59

a test in English

    It seems that I have watched too many House, M.D. these days, which explains why I wake up every morning, feeling miserable(Yes, dealing with dying people everyday, and sad love story after that, no wandering the life seems dark), and my brain seems full of English. So, after watching the first season, I think maybe it is a great time for me to test my English, just to see how long I can go.
    Back to the play, firstly I really don't like House, which in my opinion is a too common character, and it seems that if you don』t have some one different from the general person the play will be boring. And House do is a suitable character. He is a perfect doctor while a weird doctor, but still a gentle human being, who has a sad love story. Considering that this is in fact a soap teleplay, House is so up to grade.
    Talking about the story, I was wondering if every career can be written into a story and be shown on the teleplay, but then I realized that some career do have the talent to be carried on a show, such as the policeman, the doctor, as these careers demand to communicating with variable kinds of person, which will make the career changeful, and some other careers maybe not so lucky, for example, poor Chandler in Friends, none of his friends knows exactly what kind of work he is doing. But on the other hand, I realized that it is quite different between the work in TV and in practice. No doctor will have the luck of dealing with all kinds of rare disease, and also no doctor will the luck of win in every gamble of giving an unsure treatment to his patient. In fact I think it is quite foxy for the screenwriter to choose this story, which can be easily complied by searching some weird case and put it into the story, and all left to be done is a relationship between the characters.
    My favorite character is Doctor Chase, and the only reason is that he is the most handsome one. But he turned out to be teller, which made me quite uncomfortable, and why he is still in the team after this is a secret. Cameron is very beautiful at the first shoot, but a closer look tells that her canthus has a little drooping, which in my opinion is a typical stamp of occidental. But she is still very beautiful, and brave in love, and excellent in her career.
    Alright, this is all I can do, a bit shallow, and lengthy.