2009-01-20 11:00:28
I feel certain, that I'm going mad again.
I think we can't go through another of these terrible times
and I shan't recover this time.
I begin to hear voices
and can't concentrate.
So I'm doing what seems the best thing to do.
You have given me the greatest possible happiness.
You have been in every way all that anyone could be.
I know that I'm spoiling your life
and without me you could work
and you will.
I know.
You see I can't even write this properly.
What I want to say is that I owe all the happiness of my life to you.
You have been entirely patient with me
and incredibly good.
Everything is gone for me,
but the certainty of your goodness.
I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.
I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.
終於完整地把電影看完。深呼吸,如釋重負般,彷彿完成了一項無比艱巨的任務。這部電影對於我,更像是一場命中注定不可避免的儀式。我無處躲藏,所以必須勇敢面對。不會再有第二次的,因為無法忍受那種被看穿著透的感覺。電影太過殘忍,把人的內心如此赤裸地表現出來,一覽無餘。直白而深刻地剖析了人的內心世界,毫不留情地把那些最強烈也最灰暗的感情硬生生地擺在面前,強迫著去直視那些刻意隱藏的情感。 看過後,留在心底的,只剩那種蒼白的無力感。
You've been so good to me, Mrs. Dalloway.
I love you.
I don't think two people could've been happier than we've been.
Mrs. Dalloway, it's you.
I've stayed alive for you...
but now you have to let me go.
Leonard 問維吉尼亞,在她的小說里為什麼一定有人要死。 「為了對比,為了讓活著的人更懂得珍惜生活。而死的人將會是詩人,那些心懷夢想的人」 只有他們,才會一輩子無所畏懼的去追尋夢想,奮不顧身,哪怕是粉身碎骨。
維吉尼亞 最終也選擇以自殺的方式解脫自己,她說過,如果要在Richmond和死亡之間作選擇,她寧願選擇死亡。如果不能夠獲得自由,那麼寧願一死。
Dear Leonard...
to look life in the face,
always... to look life in the face...
and to know it... for what it is...
at last to know it...
to love it... for what it is...
and then...
to put it away.
always the years between us
always the years...
always the love...
always the hours...
維吉尼亞 Wolf