馬達加斯加2--Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa


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導演: 艾瑞克達奈爾 湯姆麥葛瑞斯
編劇: Etan Cohen 艾瑞克達奈爾
演員: 班史提勒 克里斯洛克 大衛史溫默


2009-02-01 06:04:41


長頸鹿愛上河馬(Melman fell in love with Gloria)

Melman: Listen Moto Moto. You better treat this lady like a queen because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect women. If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect women I would give her flowers everyday and not just any flowers, okay? Her favorites are orchids, white, and breakfast in bed... six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides, no crust. The way she likes it. I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend and I'd spend everyday trying to think of how to make her laugh. She has the most, most amazing laugh. Well that's what I would do if were you.



Alex: Marty! I know you're in there. Before I go, I got something I want to say. You've been a great friend. You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of you having any. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. …… Just like back at the zoo. What kind of friend does that make me? A pretty lousy friend, I guess. I just want you to know that I... You're one in a million. Know what makes you special? These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes. You're a dreamer, Marty. Always have been. You have great taste in music and horrible taste in friends. Well, not Melman and Gloria, but me.



Nana: Gather 'round, children. We're 紐約ers, right? We survive the concrete jungle! When we need food, we hunt for a decent hot dog stand. When we need shelter, we build skyscrapers. When we need water, we build a dam. We're 紐約ers, for crying out loud! If we can make it there, we can make it anywhere!




-我有好消息 也有壞消息
I've got good news and bad news.
好消息就是 我們馬上就要降落了
The good news is, we will be landing immediately.
The bad news is...
we are crush landing!

-好讓其他乘客 不被你驚嚇的表情嚇壞(飛機瞬間降落時)
to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.

-當你們要航空旅行時 我們知道 你們別無選擇
When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.
但還是要謝謝你們選擇企鵝航空(== :D)
But thanks again for choosing air penguin.



---四肢發達頭腦簡單Moto Moto


   Moto Moto是河馬界「很帥很性感」的超級猛男,擁有6塊腹肌

  惡搞自家LOGO (夢工廠的經典logo——月亮小男孩被企鵝軍團捉弄得翻身掉下月亮,喜劇從此拉開序幕。)




ps::片中曲《I Like To Move It》好像有AIESEC DANCE啊!