魔鬼大帝:真實謊言--True Lies


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導演: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
編劇: 克勞帝立迪 Simon Michael
演員: 阿諾史瓦辛格 潔美李寇蒂斯 湯姆阿諾 比爾派斯頓


2009-02-10 17:04:23

Ture Lies

Usually, when looking for films to entertain myself, it is the title that catch my eyes first. This one is no an exception. Lies are ture!

Sometimes, I was just like the lady in the film, in a state of voidness. People just need the feeling of existence to sustain, the feeling of being needed to lead a life.
Empty life can drive people mad. I dread the feeling of void much. So I put one after another business into my life, to engage in many things, to do what i can to make people feel warm. All this, maybe, in fact, is selfish in essence.

Coming to school from warm and pleasant home, I am a little shocked by the cold and lonely atmosphere at school. People just come and go, caring not at least who you are. You are just you, a nobody, drifting in the clamorous crowd.