2009-02-16 00:44:25
Interview with the vampire 終於接近尾聲了,書中的Lestat比起阿湯哥演繹的小萊要女性化很多,最典型的就是總是淚汪汪的,很難想像啊,如果阿湯哥在螢幕上總是哭哭啼啼的……..但無論如何,阿湯哥還是將LESTAT放蕩不羈,感性率真,強勢殘忍而又孤獨脆弱的內心及風華絕代,英俊魅惑的外表演繹的淋漓盡致, 成為吸血鬼螢幕形象上無法超越的傳奇。
ANNE RICE 一個先遭受喪女之痛後經歷喪夫之痛的女人,在她已過而立之年後,創作了吸血鬼史詩巨著,她的想像力真是讓人佩服的五體投地。我算了一下,而今她已是一位年近七旬的老人,ANNE RICE 生於1941年,今天,在自己人生已入深秋之時,回望自己曾經創作的不朽之作,應是感慨萬千。
我常常思考ANNE RICE 本人,她是個同性戀嗎,似乎又不是,但是,很明顯她將自己所遭受的經歷與情感傾注於LESTAT 和LOUIS身上,甚至將他們作為自己的化身,以我分析,我覺得ANNE RICE 更像LOUIS ,雖然有很多人認為她是化身為LESTAT,但我不這樣認為。在第一部中,她用大量的筆墨描寫了LOUIS將一個喪失女兒的女人變成吸血鬼的經過,其實,按照正常的邏輯來講,這部份完全是不必要的,當然也正像她本人所說的,「《夜訪》不是寫給讀者的。」她那近乎囈語般的意識流寫法,寄託了自己揮之不去的喪女之痛及深深的永恆的懷念。大量筆墨描寫了克勞迪亞和這個女吸血鬼之間的場景與故事,無不是對自己感情的慰籍。而LOUIS對克勞迪亞既是女兒又是愛人的情感,也隱含著作者的心思。(在這裡,我不能理解的是路易與克勞迪婭的情人關係,難道是戀童癖嗎,還是Anne rice 也很崇拜納博科夫的說……)
小萊其實是一個很愛哭的人,在沒有受到路易和克勞迪亞兩個狠心人的背叛與傷害之前,還是一個似乎很強勢很瀟灑的人,但當受到感情的打擊之後,完全變成了一個多愁善感的美人(……)。在ARMAND的城堡里再次遇到路易時,他就有點感情失控,可真是為情所困,甚至是意亂情迷,被路易和克勞迪亞這個小妞送上黃泉路之後,不但沒有認清愛人路易重色輕友雙性戀本質,反而還對其更加迷戀不捨,「You come back to me,louis!」真是窮最不捨。(據LEATAT後來表白,他跟隨路易來到了巴黎)
For a moment I could not believe my ears,……even as the sinister laughter enrupted from my lips.「Are you mad!」看到這裡,真是把我氣個半死,路易是在裝純淨水還是真不明白小萊對他的心思呢?
「Louis,you must come back to me.There is something I must tell to you……about that night in the swamp.」But then he stopped and looked about again ,as though he were caged,wounded,desperate.
「Listen to me ,lestat.」I began now.「You let her go ,you free her……and I will……I will return to you.」
「Lestat,what do you want of me? I will give it to you ……」如果我是小萊,就說一個單詞:Fuck!
「Lestat’s gray eyes seemed to regard Armand with wonder,and his lips struggled to form a word ,I could see that his eyes were filling with tears.看,第一次,小萊的眼中充滿了淚水!
「Louis,」he said ,his voice deep and rich now with what seemed an unbearable struggle. 「Please, you must listen to me .You must come back……」
「And Lestat sat there with his eyes closed,his face transfigured with his pain.It seemed the double of Lestat,some wounded ,feeling creature I had never known. 「Please,」he said,the voice eloquent and gentle as he implored me.
「You might have brought me something else!」said Lestat bitterly.And,as he looked at the baby, I saw his eyes squinting against the dull light of smoky lamp. I felt a shock of recognition at thoses eyes , even at the expression beneath the shadow of the deep wave of his yellow hair. And yet to hear that whining voice , to see that bent and quivering back! Almost without thinking I rapped hard on the glass. The young vampire was up at once affecting a hard, vicious expression; but I merely motioned for him to turn the latch. And Lestat, clutching his bathrobe to his throat, rose from the chair.
「It’s Louis!Louis!」 he said. 「Let him in.」 And he gestured frantically ,like an invalid, for the young 『nurse』 to obey.
「As soon as the window opened I breathed the stench of the room and its sweltering heat. The swarming of the insects on the rotted animals scratched at my senses so that I recoiled despite myself, despite Lestat’s desperate pleas for me to come to him. There, in the far coner, was the coffin where he slept ,the lacquer peeling from the wood, half covered with piles of yellow newspapers. And bones lay in the coners,picked clean except for bits and tufts of fur. But Lestat had his dry hands on mine now,drawing me towards him and towards the warmth, and I could see the tears welling in his eyes; and only when his mouth was stretched in a strange smile of desperate happiness that was near to pain did I see the faint traces of the old scars. How baffling and awful it was, this smooth-faced ,shimmering immortal man bent and rattled and whining like a crone.
「Yes, Lestat,」 I said softly . 「I』ve come to see you.」 I pushed his hand gently ,slowly away and moved towards the baby, who was crying desperately now from fear as well as hunger.As soon as I lifted it up and loosened the covers ,it quiedted a little,and then I patted it and rocked it .Lestat was whispering to me now in quick ,half-articulated words I couldn』t understand,the tears streaming down his cheeks,the young vampire at the open window with a look of disgust on his face and one hand on the window latch ,as if he meant at any minute to bolt.
「So you are louis,」said the young vampire.This seemed to increase Lestat’s inexpressible excitement ,and he wiped frantically at his tears with the hem of robe.
「Lestat had not died in the Theatre des Vampire.I had believed him to be dead,and when I asked Armand about those vampires ,he told me they all had perished.But he told me now that this wasn』t so.Lestat had left the theatre the night I had run away from Armand and sought out the cemetery in Montmartre.Tow vampires who had been made with Lestat by the same master had assisted him in booking passage to 紐奧良.
「I cannot convey to you the feeling that came over me when I heard this.Of course,Armand told me he had protected me from this knowledge,hoping that I would not undertake a long jurney merely for revenge,a jurney that would have caused me pain and grief at the time.But I didn』t really care.I hadn』t thought of Lestat at all the night I』d torched the theater.I』d thought of Santiago and Celeste and others who had destroyed Claudia.Lestat,in fact ,had aroused in me feelings which I hadn』t wished to confide in anyone,feelings I』d wished to forget,despite Claudia’s death.Hatred had not been one of them.
「But when I heard this now from Armand it was as if the veil the protected me were thin and transparent,and through it still hung between me and the world of feeling,I perceived through it Lestat,and that I wanted to see him again.And with that spurring me on ,we returned to 紐奧良.