真愛一世情--Legends of the Fall


7.5 / 186,536人    133分鐘

導演: 愛德華史威克
編劇: Jim Harrison (Ⅰ) Susan Shilliday
演員: 布萊德彼特 安東尼霍普金斯 艾登昆恩 茱莉亞歐蒙


2009-02-18 08:26:02

a slut

Three cowboys and their father-the formel Colonel who hated the cruel fighting launched by governments lived in the peaceful valley. They raised cattles, hunting bears, enjoying the pleasure of riding on the magnificent grassland and appreciating the beautiful vision of brooks, mountains and plains that extend to the end of the heaven. The three boys had deep brotherhood among themseves, they covered each other.
A slut pop in and the peaceful life and happiness of the family was totally ruined. The nightmare began. People they loved died. The brotherhood among the brothers was heavily undermined.In sum,this movie has excellent music, excellent actors, excellent scenes ... and the worst plot.