顫慄時空--The Jacket


7.1 / 119,401人    103分鐘 | Turkey:94分鐘 (TV version)

導演: 約翰瑪耶巴厘
演員: 安卓亞布洛迪 綺拉奈特莉 丹尼爾克雷格 克里斯克里斯多佛森 珍妮佛傑森李 凱莉林區


2009-03-10 21:53:33

(The Jacket )

Sometimes we live through things only to be able to say that it happened. That it wasn't to someone else,it was to me. Sometimes we live to beat the odds. I'm not crazy, even though they thought I was. I live in the same world as everyone else. I just saw more of it, as i'm sure you have. Sometimes life can only really begin with the knowledge of death.that it can all end, even when you least want it to. The important thing in life is to believe that you are alive, it's never too late. I promise you, Jean, no matter how bad things look, they look better awake than they do asleep. When you die, there's only one thing you want to happen. You wanna come back.

How are you doing?
Better now.

I slipped, but I'm alive.

How much time do we have?