激辯風雲--The Great Debaters


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導演: 丹佐華盛頓
編劇: Robert Eisele
演員: 丹佐華盛頓 Nate Parker Jurnee Smollett Denzel Whitaker Jermaine Williams

Maggie MIN

2009-03-11 04:14:12

Powerful words


另一段是Samantha的辯詞,very powerful.
The state is currently spending five times more for the education for a white child than it is fitting to educate a colored child.
That means better textbooks for that child than for that child.
I say that's a shame, but my opponent says today is not the day for whites and coloreds to go to the same college. To share the same campus. To walk into the same classroom.
Well, would you kindly tell me when that day is gonna come? Is it going to come tomorrow? Is it going to come next week? In a hundred years? Never? No, the time for justice, the time for freedom, and the time for equality is always, is always right now!

Q: Who is the judge?
A: The judge is God.
Q: Why is he God?
A: Because he decides who wins or loses. Not my opponent.
Q: Who is your opponent?
A: He does not exist.
Q: Why does he not exist?
A: Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!
