他不笨,他是我爸爸--I am Sam


7.6 / 155,794人    132分鐘

導演: 潔西尼爾森
編劇: 克莉絲汀強森 潔西尼爾森
演員: 西恩潘 蜜雪兒菲佛 蘿拉鄧 達科塔芬妮


2009-03-25 22:25:56

An Emotional Roller-Coaster

If you hate tears, definitely, this is not the movie you want. It requires tissues, a lot.
It was a Friday night. If I hadn』t been a couch potato during my lovely spring break, I would』ve lost such a great chance to watch this very heart-warm movie.

I was lying in the bed idly changing channels. Suddenly, Sean Penn showed up and the movie begun. , this is not a sparking name to catch people’s eyes, but you will love it until you truly moved by the story. The movie is a masterpiece.

In the review, I don』t want to touch any details of the movie, even a simple slide, which I believe will totally destroy the joy of your very first time watching, wondering what’s going to happen next. (That’s why I hate when people tell me stories before I watch them. It makes movies less interesting and drives me crazy)

Sean Penn is one of my favorite actors. He has the most talent in his generation. In this movie he did another tremendous acting by performing a mentally challenged man who had an issue that even most general person would have problems with. Though his great performance got very well reviewed; Penn only had nominated for Oscar’s Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2001 while the winner of that year was Denzel 華盛頓 by

The music is absolutely another light spot. I am not a huge fan of Beatles, but it is very obvious even to me that the whole background music, lyrics, tunes, and even the lines about Beatles』 gossip exquisitely fit the various moods of the film, not to even mention how excited these fans that have manias for them would've be when they enjoy the songs!

At the end, the movie brought a great message. Does parenting really need intellectual ability or sophisticated knowledge? I don't think so. As said by Lucy, the little beauty in the movie, 「All I need is love」.

I recommend this movie to all of you who have a giant golden heart—even to those of you who hate tears. Please get ready to your emotional roller-coaster
