Say Anything...


7.3 / 97,330人    100分鐘



2009-05-14 23:17:25

Something just breaks your heart...


第二次看,發現,《獨自等待》里夏雨去李冰冰的住所找她,並高舉錄音機那段是向這部電影致敬。也難怪,導演是個半老外,自然不會沒有看過被Rotten Tomato奉為50部浪漫經典的Say Anything。事實上,我固執的認為,《獨自等待》裡的陳文和Lloyd不乏相似之處。

The late 80s movie, with this special "brush font" title in the beginning, immediately set the tunes of this modern romance.

With a speed boat in a trailer, the movie started its first scene facing the water, and then, roams to a house where there's three friends sitting together talking about their graduation. John Cusack as Lloyd Dobler, is trying to date the "brain", the seemingly unattainable class genius, Diane Court. And ready to take his second action.

Despite everything his friends has warned, Llyod successfully asked Diane out and sooner they became boyfiend and girlfriend, until Diane's father got into some trouble (being investigated by the IRS for tax violation).

Also, as a long-time friend, Jeremy Piven played a small part in this movie, as one of the other 4 guys hanging out at the 24-hour mart one night after Llyod broken up with Diane.

After another desperate call, Lloyd showed up at Diane's house, and with a tape recorder in his hands raising high over his head, playing "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel.

Finally, two love birds get together on a plane to England.

Well, this is a movie about love, family and traditional values in a modern society where there's a gap between the successful genius few and mess mediocres. We are living in a society where we can just give up or go for it no matter of what. The thing is, which route do you choose?

Born in era of the rock & roll, aka the 60s, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, The Who, etc. John, Cusack started his career in the 80s, in movies like Better Off Dead and The Sure Thing. However, Say Anything brought him into fame, and later he was able to broaden his roles as an actor, in various movies, as The Grifters. And rolling down on his resume, you might be surprised by how industrious he is along his career path, except 1995 he has been working on at least one film per year, sometimes 4. And his new films Shanghai is in post-production.
