魂斷藍橋--Waterloo Bridge


7.8 / 9,049人    108分鐘

導演: 茂文李洛埃
編劇: Robert E. Sherwood S.N. Behrman
演員: 費雯麗 勞勃泰勒 Lucile Watson


2009-05-23 20:52:58


「After this, i will go to your place, find you, kiss you, love you, and live, without shame.」
                              ---- 《Atonement》




Roy: Mara, what do you think we are going to do today?

Mara: Well, I...I...

Roy: Oh, you won't have time for that.

Mara: For what...?

Roy: For hesitating. No more hesitating for you!

Mara: No?

Roy: No!

Mara: Well what are we going to do instead?

Roy: gonna get married

Mara: ...Roy you must be mad!

Roy: Oh no, it's a finalized sensation!

Mara: Roy, do be sensible.

Roy: Not me!

Mara: But you don't know me~~

Roy: I will discover you, spending the rest of my life doing!

Mara: Oh Roy this is war time. It's...it's because you are leaving so soon...because you feel you will spend the whole of your life in 48 hours.

Roy: We are going to be married. it's you, and never gonna be anyone else.

Mara: How can you tell that?

Roy: Now listen darling, none of your enquiries! none of your questioning! none of your doubts! This is positive, you see?! This is affirmative, you see?! This is final, you see?! You are going to marry me, you see?!!!

Mara: ...I see...

