

7.5 / 205,454人    126分鐘

導演: 亞歷山大潘恩
編劇: 亞歷山大潘恩
演員: 保羅賈麥提 湯馬斯海登喬許 薇吉妮亞麥德森 吳珊卓


2009-05-26 04:39:43

about sideways

A journey of 2 friends before wedding. I guess what the director trying to express is that this kind of journey is sideways of life.

2 scenarios touched me.

1) Miles met his ex-wife with her husband, he said congratulations. Though it was hard for him to see the cruel truth that his ex-wife had married and actually lived a happier life than with him, he thought he could handle it. And when he heard that she quitted drinking because of pregnancy, poor Miles! How he was struck by the strong wave of emotions! See his muscle in the face trembling! And finally he forced a smile and escaped the embarrass moment of life. It is fantastic acting skill!

2) Maya’s message! It sure means a lot for Miles! I guess that time Miles is drown in his own depressed world, Maya’s message is the straw that saves him! Finally there’s someone in the world who recognized him. She knew his painfulness through his books!
No matter how strong a man may be, deep in his heart, he still needs to be recognized! Maybe not by the whole world, at least recognized by someone! Let alone that most of us is as fragile and common like Miles!