

8.1 / 439,868人    120分鐘

導演: 奧立佛史東
編劇: 奧立佛史東
演員: 湯姆貝林傑 威廉達佛 查理辛 佛瑞斯惠特克 Francesco Quinn


2009-05-30 07:17:55

Personal or Political


越戰,這個繼一戰和二戰之後對美國人影響最深遠的一場戰爭。也有人說,美國人對越南的認識只是一個詞語 -- "Vietnam War"(越南戰爭),對作為國家的越南卻一無所知。

而在後人拍攝的有關越戰的上百部電影當中,奧利佛 Stone的這部《野戰排》(Platoon)無論是在劇本、導演技法還是演員陣容表演上,都算得優良之作。同時期上映的影片無論是 Full Metal Jacket(Stanley Kubrick導演)還是Full Metal Jacket顯然都沒有Platoon精彩。

印象最深的是片頭,查理·辛和其他大兵從運輸機上下來,那張沒有皺紋的面龐英俊得讓人倒吸一口氣。從門艙打開的一剎那,那雙天真的眼睛就在好奇得打量著眼前和周圍的一切。"Newbie, you're gonna love the Nam, for-f%$king-ever."從他們身旁走過的老兵揶揄道。

一部根據導演的親身經歷的影片。個人認為,單憑這一點就足以判斷本片必定是一部精良之作。投注了大量的個人感情和情緒的積澱在其中,其誠意和用功的程度肯定是無人能敵。1965年,從耶魯大學輟學後,奧利佛 Stone先到越南堤岸(Cholon)教人英語,後又在墨西哥生活,曾寫成一部小說(未發表)。1967年到1968年,Stone在美軍第25步兵團服役,獲得青銅星章和紫心勳章。《野戰排》就是根據導演自己在越南服役的親身經歷而來,年輕的士兵克里斯(查理·辛 飾) 就是當年的斯通自己。


"... I guess have always been sheltered and special, I just want to be anonymous. Like everybody else. Do my share for my country. Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. I know this is going to be the war of my generation. Well here I am - anonymous all right, with guys nobody really cares about - they come from the end of the line, most of 'em, small towns you never heard of - Pulaski, 田納西, Brandon, 密西西比, Pork Bend, 猶他, Wampum, 賓夕法尼亞... they're poor, they're the unwanted of our society, yet they're fighting for our society and freedom and what we call America, they're the bottom of the barrel - and they know it, maybe that's why they call themselves 'grunts' cause 'grunt' can take it, can take anything. They're the backbone of this country, grandma, the best I've ever seen, the heart and soul - ..."

演了一系列大反派的Willem Dafoe在這裡飾演一個白臉軍官Elias,和扮紅臉的Tom Berenger形成一個鮮明的對比。Elias愛護手下,對新兵克里斯特別的照顧。Dafoe的表演也十分出色,讓人看到了他作為演員的另外一面。

一首經典的65年靈魂樂(Soul)歌曲《淚痕》TRACKS OF MY TEARS(演唱者 Smokey 羅賓森)將電影推上一個小高潮。克里斯第一次與並肩作戰的兄弟們打成一片,第一次,他的臉上不再寫滿茫然和失落,第一次,他們勾肩搭背的舞蹈,第一次,他們唱:

(片段 http://www.amazon.com/Platoon-1986-Film-Songs-Era/dp/B000002IKT)
People say I'm the life of the party
Because I tell a joke or two
Although I might be laughing loud and hearty
Deep inside I'm blue
So take a good look at my face
You'll see my smile looks out of place
If you look closer, it's easy to trace
The tracks of my tears...

鏡頭俐落的收尾,轉向克里斯畫外音:1968年,新年。又是一天,活著。激戰、埋伏、轟炸,感覺我們像是遊蕩在風景畫裡的鬼魂。終於,每個人都必須經歷的最慘烈的那一幕記憶上演了......斯通這一拳直接揮向美國人自己的良心,也重重的落在每個觀眾的心上。斯通運用自然光線、逼真的武器活力交鋒的效果,打造了斯通式的動態和真實的拍攝手法。借用這樣的手法,導演向觀眾們示範了一個真正的戰爭狀態,也解釋了美軍如何在越戰當中由於「誤傷」("friendly firing")而造成的高達四成的陣亡率。比如,Elias,比如後來的Barnes。1986年之後的多部影片,如《拯救大兵瑞恩》(1998)和《黑鷹計劃》(2002)等等都不同程度的借鑑了斯通的這一拍攝技法。

克里斯在他給祖母的信中曾寫道:Day by day I struggle to maintain not only my strength but also my sanity. It's all a blur. I have no energy to write. I don't know what's right or wrong anymore. The morale of the men is low, a civil war in the platoon. Half the men with Elias, half with Barnes. There's a lot of suspicion and hate. I can't believe we're fighting each other, when we should be fighting them.

Elias和Barnes中士,兩種截然不同的人---- 一個像傳教士一樣的仁慈心腸,一個像殺人的機器般暴戾殘酷,同樣的命運。Chris口中的台詞,也並不完全代表著Stone在做任何的道德判斷,很多事情並非那麼簡單。這只是一個問號,一個大大的問號。最後,在踏上歸國之路的時刻,克里斯坐在直升機上幾乎無法遏制的痛哭:

I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves, and the enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days. As I'm sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what Rhah calls "possesion of my soul." There are times since, I've felt like a child, born of those two fathers. But be that as it may, those who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with whats left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life.

Platoon 作為奧利佛 Stone的「越戰三部曲」的第一部電影,無疑是最具有觀賞價值的,也是最其眾多作品當中較為成功的一部(奧斯卡就是一個最佳的佐證)。

影片另外一處值得稱道的是雲集了許多後來的影帝和明星,幾乎每個鏡頭一切入,就能發現一個活躍在當今影壇(電視劇)中的演員。包括:奧斯卡最佳男主演Forest Whitaker(《末代獨裁》)、Kevin Dillon(《明星隨從》)、John C. McGinley和Johnny Depp等等。此外,The Rascals,一個被電影人多次引用過的樂隊,其1967年的經典R&B單曲Groovin' 作為背景音樂也在片中使用過。
