真愛一世情--Legends of the Fall


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導演: 愛德華史威克
編劇: Jim Harrison (Ⅰ) Susan Shilliday
演員: 布萊德彼特 安東尼霍普金斯 艾登昆恩 茱莉亞歐蒙


2009-06-01 05:38:49


「Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness, and they live by what they hear, such people become crazy or they become legend.」
This is not a discipline.
Some people claim that they hear their voices from deep inside too, but they neither become crazy nor become legend. They describe it as something worthy to be proud of, in order to reduce the gap between him and the particular people. Human often like to treat himself and others as the same, which can be given evidence of a Chinese word 「shu」.
What they claim also implies that the statement was not that right. If we want to criticize a conclusion, we can always get a sight easily because we don』t have to know the viewpoint being adopted by the presenter. But the conclusions are usually right to some extent, unless you don』t get the right approach. We have a bad habit that we』d like to introduce fact into opinion, just like introduce numerical values into formula. But language and mathematics are not the same things. To refute a conclusion is easy; what is hard is to find what is right in it. Only by that way can we finally understand a statement of judgment, and that’s what language aims at.
Since I've said that the conclusions are usually right to some extent, I must have some my own experiences for that sentence of the beginning. Both of being crazy and legend are beyond discipline in society, if there is no discipline, there is no craziness and legend. One who can live by what they hear must firstly be courageous, for he can disregard discipline in society, and he must have power to resist it, he must have something like conviction or belief which he never betray. It is the power that put him upon discipline in society, and only by contrast can we know that our lives are full of compromise with discipline and how our lives are highly being constricted.